YWCA of Greater Atlanta

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Supporting Early Detection Events

Featured in American Breast Cancer Foundation’s Newsletter:

ABCF helps fund YWCA Atlanta's EncorePlus program, which hosts an average of 25 breast cancer awareness workshops annually, educating approximately 600 women. The program also enables about 200 uninsured and underinsured women to get free mammogram screenings each year. YWCA Atlanta’s February screening event had a strong turnout, especially among Black women, and the gratitude among all was abundant.


"The financial assistance we receive from American Breast Cancer Foundation has given our program a tremendous opportunity to provide mammograms to many more women.  We are certainly grateful for this valuable collaboration in the fight against breast cancer.”   

- Thomasine Leachman, YWCA Atlanta


“This will be a life changer for me to have the true facts about my breast." - Bernita, program participant